Why gut health should be your concern? What is the difference between Prebiotics and Probiotics? How do these two works? In this article, learn about improved immune response, better digestion and numerous other health benefits directly linked to the gut. Explore foods with natural prebiotics and probiotics and whether your body needs gut restoration!
Someone who said, “You become what you eat” was right in so many senses!
While most of us translate this to our body sizes, I would like to believe the person was referring to the trillions of live bacteria living in the gut and how our food choices are affecting our overall wellbeing. In this article, Metabalance Healthcare brings your attention to your gut health, as a good-gut is the key to healing your body inside-out.
Factors like modern lifestyle choices – eating junk food, overuse of antibiotics, stress, regular use of antibiotics and c-section deliveries in females, all are among some leading reasons that can cause a lot of distress in the gut. If you have been suffering from chronic diarrhea or constipation, feeling bloated all the time, experiencing loss of appetite, trying to fight adult acne and gaining weight, these can be all signs and symptoms of a leaky gut syndrome. This digestive condition affects the lining of the intestines that further will allow bacteria and other toxins to pass into the bloodstream causing numerous chronic and autoimmune diseases.
Discussion on gut will be incomplete if we don’t talk about the most prominent factors Prebiotic and Probiotic that helps balance the gut health. With the push market strategy, it becomes highly important for us to share with our readers the natural way forward that can help your gut feel good!
Have you heard of the term Probiotic? With upcoming health products in the market being disguised as health shots, I am sure we all must-have. Probiotics usually found in fermented foods include good bacteria or live microorganisms that comes with numerous health benefits. What all does probiotic do to your body?
Probiotics boost immunity and promote weight loss since it helps you feel fuller, burn calories, store less fat and prevent the absorption of dietary fat in the intestine.
Probiotics help reduce symptoms of digestive disorders such as ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation along with severe allergies and skin conditions like eczema. Diarrhea, which is a common side effect of using antibiotics can be prevented with the help of probiotics.
Probiotics help restore the natural balance of gut bacteria. In recent studies gut health has been directly linked to how a person feels and their mental health.
In a recent study, Consumption of probiotic for 8 weeks decreased the level of depression and C-reactive protein (a marker of inflammation) along with hormones such as insulin when compared to people who did not take probiotics.
Consuming probiotics help you lower the blood pressure. Bile mostly made up of cholesterol is a naturally occurring fluid that helps in proper digestion. Breaking up of bile in the gut by certain lactic acid may reduce cholesterol and prevent the absorption of bad cholesterol.
Foods with Probiotics: Yoghurt, Pickles, Buttermilk, Kimchi, Miso, Kombucha, Kefir, Sauerkraut, Tempeh, Natto and cheeses like Gouda, Mozzarella, Cheddar and Cottage Cheese.
Prebiotic on the other hand serves as fuel for the good bacteria in the gut, that help these beneficial bacteria grow in the gut microbiome. Made up of the carbohydrates your body is unable to digest, prebiotics are a type of dietary fiber. How does prebiotic help your body?
Prebiotics help enhance the production of healthy bacteria, aid digestion and valuable vitamins in the body.
Prebiotics are also resistant to the body’s enzymes and gastric acids, which means that they are not destroyed, digested or absorbed as they travel through your digestive system, unlike many probiotics. Prebiotics reach the colon intact and unaltered.
Foods that include Prebiotics: Banana, Raw Leeks, Onions, Jerusalem Artichokes, Raw Asparagus, Whole Wheat Flour, Garlic, Chicory Root Powder.
Hence, Probiotics and Prebiotics both help the body in creating and preserving a healthy group of bacteria and other microorganisms, which strengthens the gut and aids digestion. These two together help stimulate helpful bacteria by providing food and creating an environment where microorganisms can multiply and keep your gut microbiome healthy. You need probiotics to help you maintain a healthy gut microbiome, enhance immunity and aid digestion. While Prebiotics acts as fertilizer to make sure that the probiotics flourish and help balance the gut-health!
Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions mentioned in the article have been written for general awareness and should not be considered as professional medical advice. We strongly recommend you consult your doctor or an expert before starting any fitness regime, diet changes, or making any lifestyle changes that affect your physical or emotional health.

Poonam Chakraborty
(Manager of Marketing & Communications)
Poonam Chakraborty
Manager of Marketing & Communications
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