Did anyone ever ask you to“Keep emotions out of it”? Trust us, we know it is impossible to. Emotions are the very essence of being human. I mean, what is a human who doesn’t feel a thing? But often they can act as a barrier in decision making. So what do we do about it? Well, as we have seen…Intelligent people don’t deny emotions, they accept their emotions and invests their time in managing them.
Thinking about a small thing or something big, all begins with logic. From the start of our lives, till the time we are not dead, we use logic. Even when you decided to read this blog, you made a decision. You observed a few keywords and used logic. We file all that we observe and feel in the databank called Mind. What we are today, is the sum total of what we have observed, experienced, felt and thought. Sometime along the way, we begin to lump similar observations together and draw conclusions from them. After this, we record patterns and as we see them repeating themselves, we predict…given the same pattern or circumstance arises. When was the last time you said, “I know it’s going to happen again”. We sit back and wait for the pattern to unfold.
Our behavior is totally dependent on “What we are thinking?” and “How we are feeling?”. So it is completely right to say that what we think and feel determines our behaviour. So when you find yourself at a crossroads or someone tells you to use your head and not your heart, we want you to remind yourself that “emotions are very important for decision making”. In fact, even with what we believe are logical decisions, the very point of choice is arguably, always based on emotions.
Without emotions, humans would be fairly incapable of making any decision; let alone a logical one. Emotions, if you want to get into the technicalities are essentially shortcuts built by the brain to generate feelings on a subject, which then guides the decisions and actions.
So it’s very essential that we should be in control of our emotions.
The Basics of Healthy Emotions Include:
Acknowledging your feelings and using them to make decisions that help you lead a better life.
Managing your emotions so you do not get hijacked by them. Primarily includes not being paralyzed by depression or swept away by anger.
Persisting in the face of setbacks and channeling your impulses in order to pursue the major goals.
Empathising, reading other people’s emotions without their having to tell you what they are feeling.
Handling feelings with skill and harmony in relationships instead of chaos, anger and passive-aggressive treatment since you are able to articulate the unspoken pulse of a group.
Also Read: How to deal with the anger?
If you want to master your emotions and are struggling to manage any of the points mentioned above, feel free to get in touch with us to seek professional help.

Dr. Ashima Puri
(Clinical Psychologist)
Dr. Ashima Puri
Consultant- Clinical Psychologist & Deputy Medical Administrator
A dynamic individual with 27 years of quality experience in Training, Psychiatric Counseling & Psychotherapy. An effective communicator with strong logical, problem solving & organizational abilities.
Dr. Ashima is Discussing mental & physical problems with patients & their families, working with patients & their families to understand mental disorders & the patients likely responses to treatment and she is assisting in group therapy with social skills, anger-management, stress management, anxiety management, adolescence counselling, lack of self confidence, lack of concentration, depression management or assertiveness training.
Imparting education on various psychosomatic problems like high blood pressure, asthma, migraines, allergies, sleep disorders, panic attacks and eating disorders etc.
Dr. Ashima Puri Deals with Psychosexual problems encompassing problems regarding gender identity, impotence, lack of desire,adolescent sexuality crisis, sex education etc.
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