Home / Diabesity Program
Trying to manage diabesity ‘was’ hard because we were ‘fed’ wrong information.
- Dr. Alok Chopra
Mentor, Metabalance Healthcare
What are the causes of Diabesity?
Even though there are many myths and rumours about the causes of Diabesity, the real root cause lies in the body’s resistance to insulin as a consequence of poor lifestyle choices and diet. Insulin, one of the most essential hormones produced by the pancreas, is majorly responsible for the control of the body’s blood sugar levels, and provides the cells with energy broken down from food. However, if a person’s diet is mainly consisting of sugary foods, such as sodas, refined carbs, packaged or highly processed and packaged foods, the cells become resistant to the effects of insulin, trying to keep sugar levels low and steady over long periods. Once the insulin levels are reaching continuous high levels, the organism reacts by storing fat
around the belly, the place the body is primed to hoard fat first, causing inflammation and a disruption of the body’s fine metabolic balance. In addition, emotional traumas can occur, such as enduring feelings of anxiety or panic, and even fainting. When the pancreas cannot sustain the high level of insulin production to maintain the blood sugar levels anymore, and the cells become resistant like a ‘nagged husband’ , the body is ‘florid T2DM’ diabetic. Thus, each of us alone is fully responsible for the creation of diabetes. The biggest paradox is, however, that T2DM is a disease of insulin excess, and modern medicine treats it with nothing but insulin itself, amounting to malpractice.
Luckily, through a dedicated reversal of all poor diet and lifestyle choices, diabetes can be controlled, and eventually cured. We at Metabalance believe that the term ‘pre-diabetes’ is a misnomer, as it carries the same risk factors as T2DM in its final stage. Even if clients stop the insulin intake, further medications do not protect them from heart or kidney disease. In addition, losing weight the wrong way does not protect clients from the risk factors of diabesity. The actual reversing diabetes takes place with the reduction or the removal of all T2DM side-effects, even without weight loss, by improving the quality of your lifestyle and nutrition.

Diagnosis of Diabesity
The symptoms of diabesity are similar to the ones seen in the Cardiometabolic Syndrome. A doctor will consider diabesity if a client shows at least three of the following five symptoms:
- HbAic (a marker of 3 months diabetic control and the gold standard of optimal control) over 5.6 is considered a pre-diabetic stage and 6.4 onwards is a frank diabesity stage.
- Fasting blood sugar more than the 70-110 mg/dl, and blood sugar more than 140 mg/dl two hours post eating is in the diabetic zone.
- Insulin resistance diagnosed at fasting levels above 5.0 mIU/L and post eating levels above 25mIU/L is an indication of diabesity.
- High-level LDL and low-level HDL (conventionally known as bad and good cholesterol) also indicate diabesity.
- High levels of Inflammation markers like CRP, IL-6, TNFα are indications of diabesity.
Treatment for Diabesity, The Metabalance Way
At Metabalance, our diabetes doctors offer dedicated services and treatments to reduce and heal symptoms, root causes, and effects of Diabetes and Obesity, individualised for each client’s needs and situation.
Personalised Nutrition Program
Personalised Nutrition Program
Each body is unique, and therefore, each diet needs to follow a customised pattern of nutritional requirements, keeping genetical, physiological, environmental and lifestyle factors in mind. With the nutrition program provided on the principles of The Metabalance Way, our clients simply eat themselves back to good health.
Lifestyle Management
Lifestyle Management
Based on a detailed understanding, analysis and evaluation of each client’s lifestyle, our Metabalance life-coaches design a customised and action-oriented program to modify a lifestyle factor, and to facilitate behavioural change, notably in the areas of weight management, termination or reduction of tobacco use, exercise incentives, and holistic stress management.
Physical activity and programmed exercise in the form of high interval trainings are important components in the management of diabesity. Exercise punctuated by short fast bursts is much more effective for diabesity clients than one hour of medium-level walking. Metabalance’s doctors and health coaches design customised training plans for their clients, adapted for their personal set-up, health background and environment.
Metabalance’s Diabesity Software
Metabalance’s Diabesity Software
At Metabalance, we stay abreast of the medical health revolution. Our doctors and health coaches are licensed to use an innovative online software to cure diabetes. This award-winning program provides continuous health monitoring and assessment by using advanced artificial intelligence. As a result, our teams can eliminate the need for tedious medications and even surgery in cases of diabesity type 2, and other chronic metabolic diseases.
- Continuous monitoring of all relevant biomarkers
- Reducing and normalising the client’s blood sugar levels
- Reducing and stopping diabetes medications
- Reversing cardio metabolic diseases
- Promoting fat loss and muscle gain
Our software tracks the following health markers:
- Weight
- Body fat
- Resting HR
- Blood pressure
- Blood glucose
- Ketones
- Sleep
- Steps
- Dietary fat
- Dietary protein
- Dietary sugar
- Dietary carbs
- Stress
- Energy
- Hunger
- Mood
Metabalance’s 4P Healthcare Model
Metabalance’s 4P Healthcare Model
Metabalance subscribes to the idea that the future healthcare market will follow a ‘4P’ healthcare model.
- Personalised:
Doctors and clinics will personalise medicine based on individual genomics and biomarkers. - Predictive:
The continuous measurement of thousands of health biomarkers can predict health development and patterns. - Preventive:
The understanding and analysing of health biomarkers can prevent the outbreak of diseases by early detection, and allow to make appropriate measurements, such as lifestyle changes. - Participatory:
Due to the usage of software, big data, and the app, the relationship between doctor and client is not one-sided, but participatory.