A healthy diet and exercise are normally what we pursue in an attempt to build a strong immune system. But there is a more powerful modifier of our immunologic health- our state of mental and spiritual wellness.
So why do I say this?? The brain is intimately connected to every organ system in the body especially the immune system. Branch of medicine called Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) deals with interactions among behavioral, neural and endocrine, and immune processes
PNI is essentially an integrative discipline. It seeks to shed light on how mental events and processes modulate the function of the immune system and how, in turn, immunological activity is capable of altering the function of the mind. Very sophisticated neuro-immunologic pathways orchestrate this phenomenon but that is beyond the scope of discussion today. Keeping it simple just think about it as two mood categories- the brain under polar circumstances (i.e. calm and happy versus stressed and depressed) puts out a dramatically different set of chemical mediators including cortisol – one of the master switches of inflammation).
A number of techniques that can, when practiced over time, have calming effects for the mind and spirit as well as anti-inflammatory effects. These practices have been categorized into two- “Top Down” which focuses on mindfulness and meditation practices; “Bottom-Up” which emphasizes on physical components such as Yoga and Tai Chi.
I will focus on some Top-Down practices that will majorly enhance your immunity since that seems to be the need of the hour! There is ample evidence that even a single day of mindfulness training can have a tangible effect on the way our genes are turned on and off. I have listed five extremely simple ways that will help relieve stress and enhance your immunity- So take a deep dive and see the magic happen!
Also called ‘belly breathing’ diaphragmatic breathing has benefits that affect your entire body. It’s the basis for almost all meditation and relaxation techniques. It has tons of benefits including lowering your stress levels, reducing your blood pressure, strengthening our digestive system to name a few. Since about 80% of your immune system is located in the folds of your digestive tract, this is really good news! Engaging the diaphragm by breathing in this way causes it to massage the internal organs and glands, which in turn helps move lymph (fluid containing the immune system’s white blood cells) throughout the body to their targeted locations.
Well, how to do.. it is really very simple!!
Sit comfortably either on a chair or on the floor. Straighten your back and neck so you are completely upright. Relax your face, jaw, and tongue. Inhale for 5 counts (belly extends outwardly, keep your chest and upper body still.) Hold your breath for 10 counts. Exhale for 7 counts (belly contracts inwardly, keep your chest and upper body still.) Again hold for 5 counts. Repeat this inhale – hold – exhale – hold pattern for at least 7 rounds!
Mediation doesn’t always involve a complex technique or practice. Just pausing naturally slows you down. Pausing 10 seconds every hour and bringing focus on your breath or the sensations in your body or the sounds around you – automatically relaxes. Now this when your immune system kicks back into gear, and goes about its business. When you practice meditating regularly, you give yourself these wellness breaks, disrupting the cycle of stress, exhaustion, and depletion that you’re usually caught in.
This simple meditation bee humming meditation has a natural calming effect. It stimulates our master glad, which is Pituitary gland and also the Pineal gland. Medium pitched humming sound also improves the secretion of Thyroid hormones which produces NKCs to kill foreign intruders and boost our immune system.
Okay and here is how we do it- Sitting in lotus position with eyes closed and lips together you start humming, loud enough to be heard– this creates vibrations throughout your body. You can visualize a hollow tube or an empty vessel, filled only with the vibrations of the humming. Continue the practice for 5 to 20 minutes.
Regularly doing this practice helps engage restorative activities that provide relief for our immune systems, easing the day-to-day stress of a body constantly trying to protect itself.
Can just a positive emotion such as gratitude guarantee better health? It may be a dramatic departure from what we’ve been taught about how to get healthier, but the connection between gratitude and health actually goes back a long way. Well to begin with it just feels so good. Right away! You don’t need to wait for the positive results – when you consciously acknowledge something you’re grateful for, you instantly feel lighter and better. Plus, it has long-term positive impacts on your mindset and helps you develop a natural habit for thinking more positively without even trying. Researchers have shown that Grateful people tend to be more optimistic, a characteristic they say boosts the immune system.
So well time to say Thank You!!!
5. Mindful SLEEP
To keep your immune system strong aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night. If your mind has been keeping you up or you simply can’t get that amount, fill in the gaps with naps. Taking two naps that are no longer than 30 minutes each — one in the morning and one in the afternoon — has been shown to help decrease stress and offset the negative effects that sleep deprivation has on the immune system. However it’s not just about the duration quality of sleep certainly matters more! Mindfulness meditation prepares your mind for sleep, and significantly improves the quality of your shut-eye.
Here are simple two steps to bring help you get into a state of calm:
Step 1: Choose a calming focus. Good examples are your breath, a sound (“Om”), a short prayer, a positive word (such as “relax” or “peace”), or a phrase (“breathing in calm, breathing out tension”; “I am relaxed”). If you choose a sound, repeat it aloud or silently as you inhale or exhale.
Step 2: Let go and relax. Don’t worry about how you’re doing. When you notice your mind has wandered, simply take a deep breath and gently return your attention to your chosen focus.
The Bottom Line:
No matter the exact mechanisms, there is viable evidence that practicing mindfulness meditation helps boost our defense against disease, and fosters wellness. The effects of these practices tend to be dose-related — the more you do, the more effect it usually has. However, all mindfulness meditation practices need to well supported with lifestyle changes like eating a healthy and nutritious diet and getting regular physical activity.

Dr. Priyamvada Dua
Dr. Priyamvada Dua
Consultant- Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
Dr. Dua pursued her entire higher education in the United Kingdom. After obtaining her Masters degree in Neurosciences from Imperial College London she did her PhD in Neuropsychiatry from BARTS and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry. She has worked extensively on an autoimmune model of movement disorders and psychiatric conditions like OCD, Depression, ADHD and Autism as part of European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies (EMTICS). She has been trained in a range of psychotherpaies like cognitive behavioural therapy, Gestalt and Emotion-Focussed Therapy.
Dr. Dua has been honored with numerous awards and rnethods, Professor Mary Robertson Award for research contribution in Tourette’s Syndrome, Honorary Consultancy at Microbiology, Virology and Infection Control Laboratory, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London.
After her extensive research experience Dr. Dua followed her passion and came to India to explore the role of art, spirituality and other creative mediums as alternative therapies for neurological and psychiatric disorders. Her vision was to amalgamate Western education with Eastern spiritual practices. She got trained in hypnotherapy, mindfulness practices, sound healing, Reiki, yoga science and numerous other complimentary methodologies. Her expertise now lies in providing cognitive therapies coupled with mindfulness and other holistic practices for treatment of anxiety, depression,addictions, phobias and mind-body illnesses.
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