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What is Functional Medicine?

“Functional Medicine is medicine by cause, not by symptom. Functional Medicine practitioners don’t, in fact, treat disease, we treat your body’s ecosystem. We get rid of the bad stuff, put in the good stuff, and because your body is an intelligent system - it does the rest.”
- Dr. Mark Hyman, Medical Director,
Cleveland Clinic’s Centre for Functional Medicine, Ohio, USA
While most medical practices primarily focus on curing the symptoms caused by diseases, functional medicine goes one step further, and unearths the root of each medical problem. As the human body is a complex and finely balanced system, it consequently requires a holistic and sustainable approach to detect underlying disproportions, and to return it to its natural state of health. We at Metabalance truly believe in the medical approach of understanding the bigger picture, asking ‘Why’ instead of ‘What”. Our doctors and health coaches therefore examine each client’s individual lifestyle, medical, health and genetic history, and the status of their spiritual, mental and physiological health as a crucial part of the consultation.
How is The Metabalance Way different from The Conventional Way?
The Metabalance Way
Understands the human body as a complex, finely balanced and interconnected unit that needs to be understood, examined and treated the same way.
Acknowledges that each human is unique, and therefore each treatment has to be fully individualised to match the client’s individual needs.
Empowers the client to be an integral and pro-active part in his or hers healing process by providing educational, mental and spiritual tools.
Offers solutions to the clients that focus on avoiding disease for a long-term physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing through e.g. food.
The Conventional Way
Atomistic approach
Understands the human body as a collection of separate and non-connected elements, each to be treated by separate medical experts.
Acknowledges mainly the disease and its regular symptoms, offering off-the-shelf solutions regardless of the client’s individual requirements.
Creates a one-dimensional relationship between doctor and patient, without sharing medial knowledge or long-term solutions for prevention.
Offers solutions only after a disease or imbalance has already has reached a level of irreversibility, manifested through e.g. acute pain.